Due to COVID19 restrictions and lockdowns, many people are unable to visit the ImbayaMwari Centre. We hold private online interactive prayer sessions through our secure and highly encrypted online platform. You may book your session today!
Private Lodging
We have modern, self-contained accommodation available for retreats, reflections, and timeouts for spiritual encounters with God. Visitors are also welcome to stay overnight or for a duration of time. Meals and laundry are available on request.
Spiritual Leadership
Are you a leader of a religious or spiritual group? Do you feel called to shepherd the people of God in a special way? Mama Anita’s calling is to help the shepherds of God’s flock, the pastors, prophets, prophetesses, intercessors,…
Mentoring and Grooming
Mama Anita mentors and grooms you in a one-on-one prayer session. These sessions are designed to help you gain victory in your personal journey with Christ and to help you fulfill your calling
Spiritual Counseling
These are private or family sessions for listening to the Woman of God. She will listen to you, counsel you, and prophesy you, your family, your career, your finances, and your organization: Grief Counselling, Family Therapy, Pre-marital counselling, Addictions, Trauma,…
Weekly Prayer Sessions
Prayer is the lifeline through which life transformation testimonies occur. Join us for our weekly prayer session on the following days: Tuesdays: 7:30 – 9:30 AM, Thursdays: 12:00 – 2:00 PM