What is education? Is it about enrolling in an accredited or unaccredited institution of learning, attend classes in person or online, write exams, earn certificates, diplomas, and degrees? In this service, we offer education for the educated. This program is for those who have completed their formal education and yet lack true education. True education is about having the “finishing,” the charisma, the polishing, and cosmic attitude rooted in a firm grasp of self, others, and reality. The truly educated person has a cosmic attitude, confidence rather than inferiority complex, incompetence, and empty arrogance.
We welcome those who have completed their formal educations and are still struggling with life. You need grooming and polishing which formal education cannot give. This type of grooming is what we offer at ImbayaMwari. You will develop your ‘spirit person,’ the lovable, friendly, and natural person as you were created by God himself. At ImbayaMwari, we will show you, your true self and you will fall in love with your true self and give God the glory for your new self.